board information

contact the board:

You can reach the Board of Directors with questions, feedback, or concerns at [email protected].

request board meeting minutes:

Any Kensington Community Food Co-op member-owner is able to request previous board meeting minutes. Email [email protected] and we will reply within a few business days.

attend a board meeting:

The KCFC Board holds regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Special meetings may be held, in addition, and will be communicated on the website calendar and in-store. Member-Owners are welcome to attend and observe the general portions of board meetings.

Please RSVP to [email protected] the Saturday before our meeting so we can send you the meeting details. For those in attendance at KCFC Board meetings, we request they observe the Board Meeting Guidelines for Guests (see below), as these are working meetings.

board meeting guidelines for guests:

We welcome and encourage KCFC member-owners to attend Board meetings as guests. Attending Board meetings is a great way to be more involved in your co-op and/or explore if Board service is a good fit for you.

Please be aware that the Board will do its best to make meeting business clear and accessible to member-owners, but acknowledges there are limitations to our ability to do so while also conducting business efficiently. For virtual meetings, we request all guests remain on mute during the meetings.

Some of the information discussed at Board meetings is related to confidential information, particularly personnel matters and some contractual and legal issues. We reserve these conversations for Executive Session, and will request that guests excuse themselves before these agenda items.

If you have a question, concern, or feedback about operations within the store (including products), please use the feedback bulletin board in-store near the cheese case, or email our General Manager at [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

serve on the board:

Joining the Board is an excellent opportunity to learn and practice good leadership and governance, serve your community, and help steer the future of our cooperative. The Board strives to broaden its perspective and better represent the community it serves. KCFC welcomes all member-owners to run for a seat on our Board of Directors. The term length of Board service is typically three years, with elections held each spring for new Directors to be seated at the June Board meeting. KCFC is always seeking diverse candidates who are passionate about the Co-op.

To be qualified as a Director, a member-owner shall be of the age of 18 or more years, in good standing, and not be employed as the General Manager by KCFC. Prospective candidates for the Board are strongly encouraged to get in touch with the current Board and attend at least one meeting before applying, as well as volunteer on committees. To run in elections, member owners will declare their candidacy via application. Email [email protected] for a Word doc application.

Occasionally, a Board seat may become open in-between elections. The Board may appoint an Interim Director to fill that vacancy, until the next Board election. If you’ve ever been curious about the Board of Directors, serving as an Interim Director can be a great opportunity to experience the role before you run. Email the Board at [email protected] to inquire about the possibility of serving.

what is generally expected of me if i serve on the board?

Board members commit to typically serving a 3-year term, attending all monthly Board meetings (generally 2nd Wednesday nights), participating in Co-op initiatives and discussions, and contributing to oversight areas, which may include independent work and/or meetings (3-5 hours per week). Special projects may require a greater time commitment.

Board members should support the mission, vision, values, and Ends Statement of the Co-op, shop regularly at the Co-op, and work to steward the success of the Co-op from the governance role. Board members should also actively participate in Board discussion via Basecamp, email, or phone between meetings as necessary. Want to learn more? Come to a Jump on Board info session!

Merch photos by Sam Reed, @samreedphoto